Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bangkok Round 2

More detailed post to follow.
General itinerary:
thursday night - beer at nearby, locals bar with live music
friday - grand palace with guide (guide was great), another temple that was high up on a hill giving great views of the city, the best dish of food I've had since being in Asia, river cruise on southern portion of the river, world cup at local food stand
saturday - volvo day. had a driver take us to a city outside of bangkok. didn't make it for the elephant ride. went to bridge over river kwai. great lunch and ate a red pepper which makes for a funny memory but that's about it. chill out in hotel room after an exhausting car ride through the thai countryside (quite enjoyable actually). got a haircut with my dad at a tiny, local place near our hotel for 60 baht. Not a single word was said between the hairdresser and I.dinner at cool little indian restaurant while watching the cup. drinks and wc at night sans parents with two danes (won another wc bet = free round). celebration of independence day on KSR after midnight
sunday - wat pho, siam museum, flight home, no keys possibly no way to get into room --> hostel employee finds master key, slept great.

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